Date snickers bars

This recipe has been floating around the internet for weeks and I finally had to try it! I had all the ingredients and hand and enjoyed how easy this was to make! It was also delicious and did taste like a candy bar! I haven’t had a Snickers in yeeeearsssss, but from what I remember this tasted similar!

Also, if you don’t have Flakey Sea Salt, you are doing it wrong. Get it for this recipe and then enjoy using it on EVERYTHING.

Serves 8

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Set Time: 30 minutes


  • 24 Medjool Dates

  • 1/2 cup Natural Nut Butter

  • 3 TBSP Chopped Nuts

  • 1 cup Chocolate Chips

  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil

  • Flakey Salt



  1. Make sure dates are pitted. Then press dates onto parchment paper covered sheet pan to form a large bar.

  2. Drizzle nut butter. I used the natural peanut butter from Costco that only has peanuts in the ingredients!

  3. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top. I used chopped peanuts.

  4. Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil. Mix every 30 seconds until incorporated and loose.

  5. Pour chocolate mixture onto bar.

  6. Sprinkle with Flakey Sea Salt.

  7. Freeze for 30 minutes to set.

  8. Use bench scrapper to cut into squares.

  9. Store in the fridge.

  10. Enjoy!


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